Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Strawberry Baby

In honor of my new nephew,William Daniel (Will) Salter, 5 lb. 10 1/2 oz., 20" long, perfect, with light brown hair, a powerful sucking mechanism, and a lusty cry, born in Providence, RI on June 19, I post this:

This is what happens when monkeys get ahold of your camera. Phoebe found a strawberry that looked like a baby. She did this photo essay for my edification. It's nice to find things like this, little surprises, on your camera when you download your photos.The strawberry baby. Waah! Waah! It even has a green, leafy bib. How cute!Oh, noooo! They eat their young! Nice hair, Phee. Is that an ivory-billed woodpecker behind you?
Remorse. Only a stained receiving blanket to remind her of her strawberry baby. Would she be judged insane at the time of the murder? Would she be acquitted?

Sweet little nephew, you have a twisted cousin, and your new aunt is even worse. We will be looking for a strawberry that looks like the Blessed Virgin, Mother Teresa, or Bill Pullman. There is money to be made.