Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Day My Book Came Out

Such a deal you got on this furniture, Mother. I approve.

Today, October 4, was the day my book officially came out. October 4 was the target date for all the stores to have it stocked and on the shelves. So it's not quite the ceremonial splash that one might think. I thought it might be illuminating to you to see how I spent this momentous day. It was to me. The day rolled out somewhat differently from what I'd envisioned a year ago, when I found out that the publication date would be October 4, 2006. I don't know what I expected to happen today, but here's what actually happened:

1. Got up and got the kids ready for school. Made breakfasts, packed lunches.
2. Kissed them and Bill good bye.
3. Drank a preparation of algae and grains.
4. Checked e-mail. Got a comment about being a chicken-murdering hypocrite on my otherwise shiny happy blog.
5. Diddled around fielding email and comments for much too long.
6. Bawled, but not about being a chicken-murdering hypocrite. That was no news to me.
7. Called two best friends, got calls from two more.
8. Did an interview with the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the book.
9. Did three loads of laundry and hung them out on the line.
10. Sorted the recycling and lugged it out to the garage.
11. Moved the lawn furniture off the grass. This is not a trivial task since I went a little wild with the super-heavy on clearance Martha Stewart where-am-I-gonna-put-this-over-the-winter-lawn furniture this year.
12. Mowed the lawn.
13. Raked the lawn.
14. Plumb forgot to pick the kids up at the bus stop, something I've never done before.
15. Tried to think of what to start for dinner. Somehow chicken does not appeal.
16. Realized I ought to blog. This is what came out. Blaaaap!

The day is yet young. Who knows what romance awaits?